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Malmö City Library

Branding, Art Direction,
Web Design


Photo: Malmö Stadsbibliotek

A personal project where a new interface and an app was designed for Malmö City Library. The design makes it easier to access your account but also to register a new one. You will be able to borrow books directly through the app and create new reading lists.

A picture depicting the home page for Malmo city library. The landing page is gray and in the middle there is a picture from the library. Beneath it there are different categories to chose from. Such as book recommendations and author of the month.
A photo of the page that gives you the description of a book. In the center there is a photo of the book. Beneath it is the title, author and what the book is about. There are three different buttons you can push to either add to your reading list, to reserv it or borrow it. Further down the page you get information on which library has the books and in what area you can find it.
A photo showing the design och Malmö City library on three separate phones. The photos shows different parts of the landing page.
A photo of the page that gives you the description of a book. In the center there is a photo of the book. Beneath it is the title, author and what the book is about.
A photo showing the design och Malmo City library on the phone. The screen shows different categories that you can save your books into.
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